Thursday, 23 February 2012

A little bit of sunshine!

Today I asked one of the girls in my class what a lawnmower is for, the response provoked an intense discussion between her and a friend, the outcome being that it is for "lawning" and we have to do lawning because otherwise the grass will get too big and we will trip over it.

I've spent a lot of today preparing for our Open Morning tomorrow, putting up posters to cover blu-tack stains on the walls and undertaking the most gargantuan sticky-back-plasticking exercise ever completed being highlights.

Today's reasons to be happy:

The sun is shining! Isn't it beautiful! According to my weather app it is currently a balmy 13 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Gorgeous. The down side being that it was most definitely not 13 degrees when I was getting dressed at 6:45 this morning, so I ended up in the toilets at lunchtime removing my tights from under my leggings, but I see that as a positive, and totally worthwhile for this beautiful weather due to last for at least one more day.

I found a picture of the tuba playing Ribena berry!

It's almost Friday! and because it's sunny, it feels like Friday anyway. The first wonderfully warm day of the year also makes me think of this song...

The next reason is kind of just for me, but we had Dominos last night, and I was strong-willed enough to save half a pizza... which means Dominos again for me tonight! Ever so exciting.

It is also National Chip Week. I like this, I'm going to slightly modify it to allow for cheesy chips which I plan to have tomorrow. It would be rude to ignore such an enormously significant day.

Tomorrow, is National Wear Red day for the British Heart Foundation. I plan to also honour this (busy day tomorrow) as wearing red will also hide the inevitable ketchup stains from the chips.

1 comment:

  1. I love the thought of grass getting too big and tripping over it! That's just golden. <3
